The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) stated that a massage helps to improve performance, can reduce aches and pain, possibly prevent injury, encourage focus and shorten an athlete’s recovery time. Massage essentially involves two response types–mechanical and reflex. Mechanical responses are a result of pressure and movement. Reflex responses are when the nerves respond to the stimulation of a massage.
A study conducted by scientists at Buck Institute for Research on Aging at McMaster University in Ontario focused on the specific benefits of massage. It stated that massage reduced inflammation and promoted the growth of new mitochondria. Mitochondria are the energy-producing units in the cells that follow intense exercises and workouts.
A massage can also help aid in preventing any serious injuries caused by sports. It will keep the body’s tissues healthy and will activate the release of energy that’s needed for muscle recovery.
t’s no secret that exercise is beneficial to our health. However, during a strenuous workout, muscles can experience trauma and inflammation. To heal these small muscle tears, reduce inflammation and other cellular damage, the muscles need a lot of energy– massage can provide this energy. This means that massage can not only help with pain relief but recovery as well–making it the perfect after exercise activity for athletes.
A Few Benefits of Massage for Athletes:
- Help reduce muscle tension
- Athletes can monitor their muscle tone
- Can decrease the muscle stiffness and fatigue after exercise or playing sports
- Can help enhance athletic performance
- Increases the range of bodily motion
- Helps prevent injuries if massage is received regularly
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